My first born (Logan) started K-5 & my baby (Seth) started K-2 on August 20, 2007. Here's a recap of the day, my thoughts & emotions. Yes, I am still behind on my bloggng but definetly catching up! Here we go.....
What an emotional & monumental day for Steven & I both, as proud parents of 2 big boys! My first thoughts on the day is, "Oh... how could this be???" How could Logan be starting K-5??? It seems just like yesterday, that they laid that little tiny being (6lbs) on my chest. I promise I just blinked & now he's starting K-5??? Looking back now it seems like a blurr... hard to remember life without him here yet at the same time hard to believe that 5 yrs has passed so quickly. Also, to add to the emotion.... Seth started K-2. My baby, no longer a baby, truly a toddler now starting school.... They are both going to the same school & excited to be there together! Seth kept saying "brudder koouul"... "brudder koouul" So as daddy & I walked both our "big boys" in to school, it hit me... My babies are growing up... will I blink again & they be entering Middle school? ... uh, High school?... gasp, College?... holding breath, Moving out of the house & starting a family of their own?? ::PANIC:: Tears are coming... ::PANIC:: Idependence & growing up is a good thing, right??? That's what we are striving for as parents, right?? ? Yet somehow all I wanted to do right then was grab both of them... drag them home, hold on to them tight & freeze this moment in time, FOREVER!!!! Back to reality....(well sort of) every time I ask Logan to please stop growing up, (which seems to be more & more often) he refuses stating.... "I have to grow up mommy, so I can be big" with a huge smile on his face. How do you resist that?? OK... I will settle with just being so PROUD of my boys & the realization that we have made it this far... Let's just take it ONE milestone at a time! :o) ::calm, returns::
I don't think Logan realized the importance of the day, but then again he has been in school since K-3. I kept trying to stress the importance of the day to him, but not scare him at the same time. This is BIG BOY School, it is no longer an option... :o( The reality of this just set in & was probably harder for me to accept than him! :o) His teacher's name is Ms Bryant, she seems very nice & upbeat. This is her first yr teaching at the school she has 3 kids of her own & her baby is in Seth's class. Logan unfortunately again had no familiar faces in his class... which always scares me to death, but NOT him... he walked in without hesitation & really didn't want Mommy or Daddy to walk him to class at all.... "I can do it" he said. "Just drop me off at the door as usual" Does the rejection of Mom & Dad start at this age, really??? Please tell me NO... I'm certainly not ready for that! Sure enough after droppong Seth off we went to his class & he had made it without any help. ::sniff, sniff:: Later as I sat at home watching the clock I had flash backs all day long of some of his little sayings thru the yrs that are now PRICELESS memories....
Before he started school, when it was just him & I at home, I would often wake up in the morning with him in the bed beside me. He would be there patiently waiting for me to wake up, watching his cartoons & often having already been downstairs to get himself a snack (Mr Independent since day 1). Patience would eventually wear thin or the sun would come up when he would tapp me on the should saying... "Good Morning Mommy, the Sun is ready" No better way to start the day I promise. Or I remembered how when we would be outside playing when he would come & ask for a "little push" stating "a little push please" or "Can I get some push over here?" when he wanted us to come push him on the swings. Or when he would ask me numerous times a day... "Mommy, you know what???.... I Love you!" I remembered how he went from Baby Einstein to The Wiggles to Rollie Pollie Ollie to ELMO to Thomas the train (where he knew all those trains by heart, by color & number & sometimes just by the face) then he started moving to the bigger cartoons of Dora & Blues Clues. Now his favorites are Power Rangers, Transformers & Sponge Bob. I also remembered how I could not wait for him to be able to play on the computer beside me at work to finally mastering the mouse, then he quickly moved on to the Super Ninetindo, V Smile & computer games. He now has his favorites saved on the computer & does it all himself.
So even though today is sad in someways, it is also a very PROUD day for Steven & I. He has grown so much.... He's now playing Tball & will also start Soccer this fall. His confidence grows daily & he is truly transforming into such a big boy right before my eyes. I tear up just watching him walk down the hall on this day, thinking of the precious years that have passed & looking forward to the exciting years yet to come.. WOW, again realizing how quickly time passes... makes me understand even more that each & every moment is to be cherished!
On to Seth... as excited I was for him to start school, the closer we got I began to have great anxiety. He's never been away from home, here with me or Steven since the day he was born & never truly spent much time away from us! Also the closer we got, his "not so nice" behaviors seemed to get worse daily. I just knew I would be getting a call by 9 or 10am that I must come pick him up. And just as I remembered with Logan... on the first day... He walked in to the school... had to have his backpack on (just like Brother... although it was so big & heavy he could barely stand up). Not really ever looking back "I do it" he said, we did convinced him that we must at least walk him across the parking lot & he walked straight into class & began to play... no dramatic scene, no tears, no wanting Mommy or Daddy to stay.... ::sniff, sniff:: So we walked out of school that morning empty handed... with 2 big boys in school. I just prayed on my way out that he would be OK when reality set in that Mommy & Daddy were not there & also prayed that he did terrorize all the others in the class! :o)
That was one of the longest days I can remember & the silence in this house was deafening!! I promise my ears were ringing all day long as I am sure the house had not been that quiet in yrs. As the day crept along, all the cats came out of hiding & seemed to enjoy all the "Mommy & Daddy" time they had missed over the past 5 yrs. We both sat on pins & needles waiting for the phone to ring ...but it never did! Yeah! It's funny thinking about it now as I know I got very little work done that day, we both seemed to just look at each other not quite knowing what to do with ourselves, you would of never knew we spent 10 yrs without kids! :o) Once 2:00 finally came, we both could wait no longer!!! We anxiously headed back to the school & could not wait to hear how the day went.... Good reports from all around. Seth was an "angel" (What?, Really?) & Ms Bryant said Logan was a treasure, "I couldn't ask for a better student" Again, I could feel my body fill with SO MUCH PRIDE! Here comes the tears again.... How great is my life?!?!
I wish I could say that the entire week went that well & for the most part, we were extremely LUCKY. Poor Seth really had his world turned upside down & suddenly going to "brudder's koouul" wasn't so exciting or anything he wanted to do at all. The drama started on Tuesday with the tears, crying & clinging on to Daddy for dear life... It was actually the worst.... Per Ms Miranda he cried most of the day. The phone did ring that day (just as an update on his crying) & I believe there was divine intervention as I was tied up in a meeting & Steven with a job so by the time we actually got the call.... Crisis had passed, he was sleeping & had formed a bond with Ms Miranda his teacher. Each day got a little easier & by Friday he was a PRO. The first week once home all he wanted to do is to be held & cuddled... Daddy & I soaked that up as that rarely happens with him! He also got his 4 remaining molars :: OUCH:: all at once as usual. He decided himself that it was time to start wearing big boy undies & the whole potty training process of which he let us know by finding him in the big boy undies with his shorts on bakwards, all on his own. Last but not least words began coming from his mouth, all of them, he was talking up a storm.... Not able to understand them all but hey it's a start! Oh Yeah... those "bad behaviors" I talked about earlier... apparently, not been a problem so far! Thank goodness!! Ms Miranda braggs daily on what a good boy he is! :o) She calls him "Bubba" Like I said earlier, his world was turned upside down & seems as if he's starting out on a new foot.... :o)
What a day for memories! The most special part was that Steven was also there every step of the way & got to experience all those Firsts that he had missed before! How many little boys get to start a new school year & a new phase of life with BOTH parents by there side?? Really; everything happens for a reason, I am reminded of all the benefits & great family times we have had over this past yr, as challenging as it may have been. Another truly PRICELESS moment & TIMELESS memory has just been added to the life with my 3 guys!
Ok, next time, Let the sports begin..... Until then......
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
First Day of School...
Posted by Joy at Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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I am so glad I have your blog-I have been wanting to talk to you-You don't know how much I have appreciated each and every message you left on Anna Grace's website-I can't wait for you to meet her-You have a beautiful family and I got teary eyed reading about the 1st day of school-they do grow up so quickly and all we have are our memories-I would love to freeze time right now too-These are the best days of our lives-I hope we get to see you at the games-if not, let's get together-Hayne loves Power Rangers and I am sure the boys would have a great time together-
my email is
Talk to you soon-
Great job on the blog-we need to get some tips from you
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