Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!! :o)

** Here's Logan as Optimus Prime Himself!

** Seth as Lightning McQueen's crew chief. "KAPOW" as he says....

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I have really been looking forward to Halloween this year, as Seth gets older it truly expands the possiblities of what we can do. I had hoped to go to one of the local churches to a Trunk or Treat or hit up a few more of the developments in our neighborhood, anything to make the night more MEMORABLE or FUN. Well, maybe we are not quite there yet!...

We started out in our development as we are not very big & it's always great to make connections with those that we see pass by one way or the other every day. I had even made the great plan of going around in the back of Steven's truck to speed up the whole event & hopefully make it thru both our development & the development across the street before heading out to either one of the local churches. To be honest, I think tthe truck slowed us down or maybe we got delayed due to the time change being later because before I knew it... it was almost 7:30 & we were still in our development. So... since both boys were already dragging their bags because they were so FULL, we had a change of plans. We finished up our neighbor hood & hit a few houses across the street & Then headed over to Uncle Russ & Aunt Angel's (wher the boys were loaded up with buckets full of candy & treats) & then on down to Aunt Lynne's for a bonfire with roasted marshmellows & wennies. It was a busy night but we did have a BLAST!

So at the end of the night I was really in conflict! I really had wanted to go to one of the local churches but we had had a great time!... It seems as if everyone is headed to church for Halloween these days & as much as I have NO problem with that & see how great & a safer option that is... What about TRADITIONAL trick or treating?? You know, walking up to the neighbors house & knocking on the door & anxiously waiting to say "Trick or Treat" We had such a good time seeing all the neighbors & I believe the neighbors enjoyed it also! We don't get a lot of kids come thru so those that do get special TLC or shall I say "THF" (Two Hands Full) with great fellowship with all! (You could hear Ms Melrose laughing all the way to the house!) And because we have such wonderful neighbors the boys got enough candy to eat it all year long & still have left overs next year. So after reflecting on all this, It was somewhere in the ride home with the boys snoring in the back seat that I came to the conclusion that next year... we will walk the neighborhood, again! There's few things that you can still do these days as we did when I was a kid & I hope that I can share just a glimpse of that with the boys. I promise though to my neighbors that I won't let them beat the door down or ring the doorbell 20 times :o) -- our rule if no porchlight is on, then we don't stop! (Logan had a hard time with this! he kept saying "but they are home mommy they have lights on inside! Boy, do I remember that feeling!) I realize that they can't wander all over the country as it is not safe for that these days! BUT I am sure there will be plenty of years that we will get to do all that other FUN stuff & I am sure the boys will outgrow our little area before I know it! So until then we will WALK while we can (yes, we will ditch the truck next year as Daddy missed out on a lot) & enjoy these years while they last.

OK... so I am sure you are really just wanting to see the lastest pic's of the night... Yet again I am trying a different way to get them here... So, if you just click
HERE, this should take you to the Real Treat of the night! Hope you all had a wonderful night full of great memories & fellowship. In my reflection, I realized the boys had a wonderful night with Mommy & Daddy, great neighbors & family! What could of been better than that? PEACE, at last .....

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