Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Father & Son

Reflection of each other... 33 years prior & 33 years in the future! WoW! Another priceless moment! True Love goes both ways! :o)

Family Night at Falls Park 2007

** My boys & I ** Here's My 3 Guys

Since Seth was born every year we have made it to Falls Park in the Fall. This place is such an asset to our area. It is such a pleasant place to go & always FUN, whether in the Spring or Fall. The boys love it. They love to walk the trails, climb on the rocks, play at the waters edge, roll down the grassy hills & now swing in the swings.

Always guarenteed for great family fun & always leaves me wanting to spend even more time there! There's just not enough time. So here are a few of our pic's from this year... It turned out to be a little cooler than we would of liked, but we had a great time & made the most of it! So to see all the pic's just click HERE.

Hard to believe that we are half way thru November already... I'm a little behind in the blogging, will try to do better... Is there anyway to add more hours in the day??? I sure need it! :o)

Until next time.....