Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

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Myrtle Beach 2008

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Two Jobs, Two kids, Two sports.... TOOO Much

Just so you know.... I am still alive!!! barely.... quite honestly I have been MIA more since starting the blog, than I have been blogging.... I think I am certainly at the 1 yr mark as I remember barely getting this blog initiated before heading off on vacation last year. So for year two I plan & hope to do a lot more blogging! & since I mention all the two's in my life currently, just thought I would let you know that CHANGE is in the air... because I QUIT! :o)

Yes, that's right! I am proud to say that I have quit ONE of the TWO jobs!! (Good bye BC) & I am sooo excited!!! I look forward to rejoining life with my famly & friends!! I can't wait to play in the yard & go for a bike ride with the boys, sit in the living room at night & read books or watch a movie or just cuddle up with them in bed when they want me too! Oh yeah & having lunch dates with friends! It's the little things that we take for granted & these are just a few on the MANY things I have missed over the past 2 yrs.

I have 1 more week of my notice & then a week of vacation! I CANT Wait!!! I'm am not sure how the bills will be paid but I have peace that it will all work out! We will learn to live with the things we NEED & not so much with every little thing we want! :o) (Logan even said he really didn't need any more toys from Wal-Mart! AWWWW, I was not kidding when I said he was my thoughtful sweet one! & that right there gives me PEACE that it will all work out!)

So, I will catch everyone up with what's been going on in our lives upon my return... like Spring Soccer & TBall in which Logan totally ROCKED at both! Logan's K-5 graduation (tear jerker)! Seth's 3rd Birthday! Seth's graduated to talking in full sentences & 90% potty trained!!! Where I am with my weight loss journey & new life plan! Summer plans & lazy days! Oh I can't wait! be back soon with lots of beach pics & a bit of regained sanity!!!! Until then.....

Friday, March 28, 2008

New Look....

So a whole new look... the other was a bit tired, this one was created by me.. thanks to a fellow blogger post located HERE. So I have been super busy with the kids being home for Spring Break, nothing note worthy, just good old family time! Everything is in full bloom which I love but my allergies do NOT. I have been plaqued with Sinus headaches this week which has also led to too much down time.ughhh

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Too Cute for Words....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Logan!

Today my "Big Guy" turned 6... I am having a really hard time grasping the fact that he is actually 6, but here are some of the clues that he has given me to show me just how much he has grown up!...

1- when asked what he wanted for his birthday he said... "you just do whatever you think is best, Mommy" Oh yeah, I would like an art set... but other than that just what ever you think.... (really?? no Power Rangers or Transformers, Yikes)

2- when asked if he wanted to go see Elmo when I took "Lil Bit" his reply was...
Logan: NO, Mom. Elmo is Lame
Me: what you used to love Elmo?
Logan: "LAME"
(oh yeah, Thomas, Dora & Deigo?.... all lame)

3- 1 week before his birthday, he states "Mom, I know what I want for my Birthday, I want a phone, an ipod & a basketball game for my PSP2."... Really??, I am sure these things didn't appear on my list of wants (well, the equivalent for the times: JAM Box, phone in my room & Atari) until I was at least 13

4- He is often found watching football, basketball or baseball game instead of watching cartoons (& always pulls for who ever is winning)

5- Did I mention that we just received his cap & gown from school??

6- He goes to the bathroom, shuts the door & LOCKS it... & no longer yells, "Momma" when he's done & heaven forbid, he ever let me in there until all his business is DONE.

7- He can read & even knows the words you are spelling to avoid saying it out loud. "Are you talking about Candy, Mommy?"-- "Can we?? Can we go to McDonald's" --"Can I get a toy if we go to WAL-MART?".... SERIOUSLY??

Every year I often reflect to the day he was born, so I thought I would share here... if you are family I am sorry to bore you with this again but here it goes....
We were married for 10 yrs before we decided to have children & even though I will often be heard talking about life before kids & how great things were, WELL... 6 yrs ago today, is when life all of a sudden had meaning! All wrongs turned right & Our life as a family began! I will never forget that I went in to the hospital on a cold dark morning & when I came home from the hospital all the Bradford pear trees were in full bloom, the grass was turning green & the sun was shinning! I have always loved spring but love it even more now because of this reason! Logan has been such a blessing in every way! In my mind he was a perfect baby (although had you asked me then I am sure I would of told you otherwise)& he taught me how to be a mom! I thank God daily for sending this wonderful blessing into our lives & showing us what true meaning in life means, for "saving" my life in so many ways & giving me the opportunity to experience true unconditional love!

I love you, Logan! More than you can ever imagine! Even more than your "two steps bigger" I hope you have a wonderful Birthday & have lots of fun with your friends!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Journey Continues!!

Mid week 2 & I am proud to say that I continue on my New Life Plan journey!! :o)
I am well into week 2 of the C25K journey & I can't believe that I am actually running & still able to walk & breathe! I must admit...there is no love affair yet! About mid run, I am hating life & really questioning why in the HECK I am doing this! But once I am done, the sense of accomplishment & well being, makes it all worth while! Which has kept me motivated & I have already completed 3 workouts this week! (can you believe that?) Unfortunately no change in the scale... but I am a patient woman & know this is the better way to becoming healthy! My clothes feel a little better, little less muffin top (hehe) & overall I feel better! It's amazing how much smaller I feel mentally (I mean when you are as big as a whale... to lose half a whale you really feel like a skinny whale) THEN... I walk by a mirror or see a pic of myself & so know that I am no wher near a skinny whale & I have a lot more of this journey to travel! I am NO where near ready for Venus swimwear & don't know that I ever will be again... but I will most definitely try! :o) On we go....

As far as the rest of the plan, I have done good with the eating, breakfast daily & certainly more conscious of my portions & choices. I have taken a bath daily & gotten ready! I must admit that I feel a lot better. Walking on the ball field with confidence that I look like I have my shi-ot together, rather than a frumpy mom that just thru on some clothes & pulled my hair up does a lot for a girl! & I hope in the process my boys are proud to say that I am their mom!

Continue to struggle with getting enough sleep & not working too much! For the most part last week I got 6-7 hrs of sleep a night (not 8 I know) & on Wed last week I ended up taking nap mid morning & paid for it the remainder of the week! It was a BIG eye opener! So this week.... NO NAPS! So far at least 7 hrs per night, which is better! My work hrs are still all over the place & I hope this will get better as I get more on schedule! Lil' bit has been sick & at home this week which has thrown things a bit off track but we are certainly not derailed!

Quality time with the boys, well, this still needs some improvement! We did spend 2 nights last week at the ball field & 1 so far this week! We did take a walk in this absolutely beautiful weather, which is Logan's absolute favorite thing!

Speaking of Logan, you guessed it, we are back into the full swing of things with soccer & T-Ball! First Soccer game was last Sat & we WON 7-3 & Logan made 4 GOALS! He continues to amaze me daily! He loves any & ALL sports & somehow manages to get out there, have fun & hold his own! (I could not be more PROUD!!) Also last week, his cap & gown was sent home for graduation... (TEAR) Steven thought I had absolutely lost it!! "It's only kindergarden Joy" but it feels like it was just yesterday that he was born & I blinked & here we are... I am scared to blink again! I just know he will be in High School! So for now, my eyes are WIDE OPEN! & I continue to try to make the most of every moment!

OK, now I must work, until next time.....

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Journey begins...

Woo HOO!! I did it... almost 2 completed months into 2008 but I finally managed to get a date with my treadmill & I showed up, too! New MOTTO from here forward is... NO MORE EXCUSES!! New life plan begins NOW!!

So, this morning I actually completed the first day of the C25K Program... I originally got this idea from a wonderful & hilarious blogger located HERE who has become a daily must have/read who led me to another blogger located HERE who gave me additional Inspiration & motivation to finally Get.OFF.The.COUCH!! (Also a daily read to carry on the motivation!! Keep up the good work, JKW!) So, I did it... & I am still BREATHING! & I have a whole new look out on the week & it's MONDAY! (Previously always a BAD day after completing 24 plus hrs of work in 2 days) Matter of fact... this has brought me to the NEW LIFE Plan....
#1- At least 8 hrs of sleep per night
#2- Breakfast, everyday (Also to eat sensible but NO Diet)
#3- Exercise... (C25K)
#4- Shower... everyday! (No judging here please... FT job from home M-F, plus 2boys, sports, ETC)
#5- Only work 8 hrs a day... (Seems simple enough but being at home it often takes 10-12 hrs just to get that accomplished!)
#6- Spend quality time with MY GUYS every evening!

(Oh, Yeah... I probably should also list on here to Cut Off my Drug of Choice....
You guessed it... DR PEPPER!! But hey... 1 body can only take so much change!!) I will limit to 1 a day & get back to H2O!!

Hopefully, this will make me feel better & find the JOY that most of you remember! :o) Plus also help me take off an additional 20lbs & I might even look more like the JOY you know & the one I am so much more comfortable with!! (I mean, Seth is about to turn 3... can't really still be using that excuse, can I? & Since he's almost lost all his baby fat... maybe I should too!) ;o)

OK... I am going to stop before I get waayyy too ahead of myself! I know it was only 30+ min on the treadmill.... so don't burst my bubble here! I WILL be back before the end of the week with updates! (Provided I can still walk! He He) Oh & another bonus... Steven joined me on the journey & he also completed his first day too! How cool is that?? Truly my life partner & Best Friend E.V.A.H! Hopefully we both will be SMOKIN' HOT by summer! (OK... realistically, I will settle with healthy & great role models to the boys!)

Until next time....

Friday, February 1, 2008

January Rounup....

WOW, 2 posts in 1 week.. don't pass out! There just might be help for the "Goals of 2008" yet! :o)

It's been another busy week & next week looks even worse! FUN!! Despite my best efforts I ended up getting called in on Wednesday (ugh!!) but it really wasn't that bad & was noce to get out of the house midweek! Thought I would just do a summary of the events of Jan & hope to get back on track soon.

As a whole, we did not have too much going on.... Mid month we did get SNOW! yes that's right... **SNOW!!** In this area this is a rare occurance & now Logan is once again a believer that it really does snow.... I have some great pic's of them playing & watching those first few flakes fall... Logan loved catching them (even with his tongue) & even saw "snow reindeer" take off from the top of the neighbor's house... No,they were not Santa's reindeer, they were "snow" reindeer... this came from his top advisor & best buddy "Prancer" (they developed quite the bond thru Christmas after Nana gave him to Logan as a gift) So who am I to question?? Gotta love the imagination of a child!
Seth, also really enjoyed the snow... much more than the "ice" we had last year! He ran out the door once the ground was covered & began calling for "FROSTY" "F-R-O-S-T-Y" He shouted from the top of his lungs (too cute & priceless) we never saw Frosty that night but we were sure to build one the next morning, that he absolutely LOVED!! Commentary from Logan as we were building.... "Mommy please take a picture of him before he gets run over this time" (Long story, but to say the least Frosty hasn't had such a good stay with us in the past... )Needless to say, a few days later Seth was heartbroken when again Frosty he left us in a traumatic way... this time ran over by none other than Logan in the Jeep! Laughing out Loud! I'm sure Frosty will probably never be back! (Who could blame him, really?)

Logan has been playing basketball with a local church, he has only had 2 games so far, but in the last game he called immediately once the game was over (I was working) to happily tell me "We WON!!" & "I made 2 shots!!" & "Mom, I Rocked!!" He has really enjoyed basketball also! The games have been sporadic so far & tonight starts the mini version of "Sweeps" Fri & Sta games for the nest 2 weeks & then back to Soccer & Tball! He also got his second report card & again got ALL A's! He has begun reading & is doing quite well! He reads mosts nights before bed... even comes to me & asks for more books to read! We are so very PROUD! It's amazing when I stop from all the running around & see just how much he has really grown!

Seth has continued to be Seth! :o) He continues to love school! Every day he can't wait to tell daddy or me about his day.... it goes like this....

Me: Did you have a good day?
Seth: Shakes head "no" or says it (which we have learned is code for yes)
Me: What did u do?
Seth: "Kudder"
Me: What did you Color?
Seth: a horse
Me: Really?? What color did you color your horse??
Seth: "Pink"
Me: Oh, that's great.... who did you play with?
Seth: "Dean"

Everday... it's the same! & has become priceless as he is so excited to tell us the same thing everyday! :o) He's still trying the potty thing at times & at other wants "Nothing" to do with it or Big Boy Undies... Ughh! I try not to obsess & worry about it! We did have POOP in the potty twice this month & to me that is a success! He continues to talk more & more & has begun to LOVE singing! His current favorites are... "Jingle Bell" "Frosty the snowman" "Mighty Day" & as always "WAA WAAAAH" (Little GTO)! He also graced me once with those 3 little words I yearn to hear him say... "I Wuv you" & will often whisper them to me but rarely says it out loud... His response when you say "I Love you" he either blows you a kiss... or says "too" or "more" When you ask him how much "too" is he holds his arms out & says "this much"

We also went to see Sesame Street Live... Seth has developed a love for Elmo,"UhOHH", as he calls him BUT his favorite is "COOOKIEEE" He did really well! sat thru most of the show, sang or danced with the characters! We were pleasantly surprised! The expression on his face was Priceless & forever engraved in my mind!! & Logan even admitted that Sesame Street wasn't as "lame" as he thought it would be! :o)

We also went to the movies & watched "Alvin & the Chipmunks" WOW! what a great movie! Logan loved it (it was his reward for straight A's) The music was great... I must admit one of my favorites as a child, I can remember starting to listen to that record in Oct... Seth fell asleep on the way to the movies so we let him sleep as long as possible as the last time he went, he & daddy had to quickly exit the movie... well, he awoke & fully watched the remainder of the movie! We were SHOCKED! & then felt bad, maybe we should of awoke him sooner?? We vowed to take hime back again! Maybe next week...

OK, that about sums it all up! I promise to add some pics soon! The goal for next week is 3 posts... We'll see, I am making NO Promises! But a girl must have goals, right?? Until Next Time... Stay warm! :o)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Still MIA... Updates coming soon!

So, I promise... I have not abandoned blog land... Updates to come soon! It looks like my blog needs some serious "clean up"... the header pic is gone.... fonts have all gone crazy & super sized... Hopefully I will figure out how to get things back to "normal" soon & be back with some updated pics....

Oh yeah, not doing too well with the "goals" for 2008... each week I plan to step back on that treadmill & start the "Couch to 5K" plan.... maybe this is the week, who knows... butI will keep you updated, maybe that will give me some accountability!! I really would love to lose another 20 lbs before summer... still have time, just need to get MOTIVATED... you got any suggestions?? Wanna join me??

Weekly to daily blogging.... well, as you can see I have failed on that one also! :o) January 2008 only 2 posts making a lot of unkept promises (sorry) well, today makes 3... Hopefully this will get better & easier! I must let go of my type A personality... I have lots of things to say! :o)

OK, for now I must work, work, work as I am on call today & I promise if time is wasted... I will most definetly get called in & will be regretting it later!

Be back soon....

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

**Just wanted to send a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish to my Mother!! Today she turns 68... which she probably does not appreciate me telling all of blogland, but hey I think it derserves to be shouted LOUD & PROUD because I am very PROUD!!I have always been blessed with strongm great women in my life & a few years ago my mother made a prediction that she would continue skiing until age 71 in honor of my Grandmother. Who at the young age 71, not only learned how to drive but also got her driver's license for the first time Ev.aH!! (impressive, I know!)
**SO, on this special day I thought I would send Mom this little reminder (which would also be good for a few B-day LOL's) Because last year we soo missed the annual SKI run & I am ashamed (but PROUD) to admit that in 2006 she put me to shame!! So as part of my New Year's "Resolutions" & goals... I plan to not only get in shape but to also return to skiing on at least 2 & hopefully 1 ski again! So that I can at least say I was skiing in my 30's & hopefully make my children as proud as I am someday!WOW, I must get busy because I have some Big Shoes to fill :o)! Enjoy...

">Mom, I hope you have a terrific day! I only pray that I inherited the great genes of the strong women in my life!! You inspire me daily.... I Love you!!!

** Enjoy the song below... remember to turn the volume up & press the PLAY button on the bears belly! (Sorry, had to turn it off of auto play as after a while of non stop playing it's not quite as "cute" anymore! Love YA!

music player
I made this music player at

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Sorry, that I have been MIA!! My goal for the new year in blog land is weekly blogging starting today! Promise to blog this week with an update of all the Christmas events! Let me just say.... The boys must of fooled Santa again this year & he actually believed that they were beyond good! :o) Until then, I hope that every one has a safe, prosperous & HAPPY 2008! May you have the Strength, Will Power & Ambition to achieve all your 2008 Goals & Resolutions & the satisfaction of seeing them all become reailty!
With Love to all!!!