Friday, June 6, 2008

Two Jobs, Two kids, Two sports.... TOOO Much

Just so you know.... I am still alive!!! barely.... quite honestly I have been MIA more since starting the blog, than I have been blogging.... I think I am certainly at the 1 yr mark as I remember barely getting this blog initiated before heading off on vacation last year. So for year two I plan & hope to do a lot more blogging! & since I mention all the two's in my life currently, just thought I would let you know that CHANGE is in the air... because I QUIT! :o)

Yes, that's right! I am proud to say that I have quit ONE of the TWO jobs!! (Good bye BC) & I am sooo excited!!! I look forward to rejoining life with my famly & friends!! I can't wait to play in the yard & go for a bike ride with the boys, sit in the living room at night & read books or watch a movie or just cuddle up with them in bed when they want me too! Oh yeah & having lunch dates with friends! It's the little things that we take for granted & these are just a few on the MANY things I have missed over the past 2 yrs.

I have 1 more week of my notice & then a week of vacation! I CANT Wait!!! I'm am not sure how the bills will be paid but I have peace that it will all work out! We will learn to live with the things we NEED & not so much with every little thing we want! :o) (Logan even said he really didn't need any more toys from Wal-Mart! AWWWW, I was not kidding when I said he was my thoughtful sweet one! & that right there gives me PEACE that it will all work out!)

So, I will catch everyone up with what's been going on in our lives upon my return... like Spring Soccer & TBall in which Logan totally ROCKED at both! Logan's K-5 graduation (tear jerker)! Seth's 3rd Birthday! Seth's graduated to talking in full sentences & 90% potty trained!!! Where I am with my weight loss journey & new life plan! Summer plans & lazy days! Oh I can't wait! be back soon with lots of beach pics & a bit of regained sanity!!!! Until then.....


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on quitting-Time spent with our kids can never be regained-The moments we are able to enjoy them are priceless and far more important in life than money(of course, it doesn't seem that way when you are struggling to find $ to pay bills) but I can promise you will never regret it-
We would love to see you guys-maybe you can come over and go swimming-
give me a call sometime-

Sasha said...

Just checking in with you to see if you are still running. I'm going to be switching to the new blog list for my running blogroll and wondered if you still wanted to be listed. Leave me a comment and let me know.

Hope you are doing well!