Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

**Just wanted to send a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish to my Mother!! Today she turns 68... which she probably does not appreciate me telling all of blogland, but hey I think it derserves to be shouted LOUD & PROUD because I am very PROUD!!I have always been blessed with strongm great women in my life & a few years ago my mother made a prediction that she would continue skiing until age 71 in honor of my Grandmother. Who at the young age 71, not only learned how to drive but also got her driver's license for the first time Ev.aH!! (impressive, I know!)
**SO, on this special day I thought I would send Mom this little reminder (which would also be good for a few B-day LOL's) Because last year we soo missed the annual SKI run & I am ashamed (but PROUD) to admit that in 2006 she put me to shame!! So as part of my New Year's "Resolutions" & goals... I plan to not only get in shape but to also return to skiing on at least 2 & hopefully 1 ski again! So that I can at least say I was skiing in my 30's & hopefully make my children as proud as I am someday!WOW, I must get busy because I have some Big Shoes to fill :o)! Enjoy...

">Mom, I hope you have a terrific day! I only pray that I inherited the great genes of the strong women in my life!! You inspire me daily.... I Love you!!!

** Enjoy the song below... remember to turn the volume up & press the PLAY button on the bears belly! (Sorry, had to turn it off of auto play as after a while of non stop playing it's not quite as "cute" anymore! Love YA!

music player
I made this music player at

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